We are delighted to announce the dates and content for our Employment Law Latest seminars for 2024.

Essential for HR and people managers, this seminar will focus on critical employment law updates, including new and important legislation, Government reforms and emerging case law, with ample opportunity throughout for questions and discussion.

Employment Law Latest 2024 - Surrey

Thursday 7th November at Camberley Heath Golf Club, Camberley

  • £216.00

    £216.00Employment Law Latest 2024 - Sussex

    £180 + VAT per delegate - Tuesday 15th October at Roffey Park, Sussex 09:00 - 13:00
    Book now for Sussex
  • £216.00

    £216.00Employment Law Latest 2024 - London

    £180 + VAT per delegate - Monday 4th November at The RAC in Pall Mall, London 09:00 - 13:00
    Book now for London
  • £216.00

    £216.00Employment Law Latest 2024 - Surrey

    £180 + VAT per delegate - Thursday 7th November at Camberley Heath Golf Club, Camberley 09:00 - 13:00
    Book now for Surrey

Seminar Timings

Registration for each seminar will be at 09:00 and the presentations will begin promptly at 09:30. Each seminar will run until approximately 12:15 when a buffet lunch will be served.

Employment Law Latest

Essential for HR and people managers, this seminar will focus on critical employment law updates, including new and important legislation, Government reforms and emerging case law, with ample opportunity throughout for questions and discussion.  

Key topics this year will include: 

  • Ending ‘fire and rehire’ and ‘fire and replace’ by reforming the law and replacing the statutory code 
  • Creating the Fair Work Agency to enforce workplace rights 
  • Introducing a Fair Pay Agreement in the adult social care sector 
  • Repealing the law on minimum service levels in relation to industrial action 
  • Simplifying the process of statutory recognition for trade unions 
  • Introducing a right for workers and union members to access a union within workplaces 
  • Banning zero-hour contracts, making sure that workers have a right to a contract that reflects the hours they regularly work 
  • Removing the lower earnings limit and waiting period for Statutory Sick pay 
  • Update on Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 in October 
  • Reforms to the apprenticeship levy and the establishment of Skills England 
  • Making parental leave, sick pay and protection from unfair dismissal available from day 1. 
  • Making flexible working the default for all workers from day one and requiring employers to accommodate this.  
  • Making it unlawful to dismiss a woman who has had a baby for six months after she comes back to work.  
  • The draft Equality (Race and Disability) Bill proposing to “enshrine the full right to equal pay law” for disabled people and ethnic minorities including the proposal for mandatory ethnicity and disability pay gap reporting. 
  • Labour’s tougher stance of AI regulation – an update 
  • Round Up – Including progress on linking the National Living Wage to the cost of living and the removal of the lower rate for 18- to 20-year-olds, tribunal figures and an update on key cases over the last year.  

Why attend?

Some delegates who have attended in the past have said;

“The most useful event I have attended in the last year.”

“I would highly recommend Employment Law Latest to colleagues and partners!”

“Excellent content and extremely knowledgeable presenters.”

“There’s always a strong focus on practicalities of the law in application to work situations in this seminar.”


The cost for one delegate at any of the seminars is £180 + VAT.  All seminars are half a day and include all training materials, refreshments and a buffet lunch. 

Tuesday 15th October 09:00 - 13:00, Sussex

  • £216.00

    £180 + VAT per delegate. Payment accepted via UK issued credit or debit cards only. Otherwise, please contact us to arrange an invoice.

    Book now for 15th October - Sussex

Monday 4th November 09:00 - 13:00, London

  • £216.00

    £180 + VAT per delegate. Payment accepted via UK issued credit or debit cards only. Otherwise, please contact us to arrange an invoice.

    Book now for 4th November - London

Thursday 7th November 09:00 - 13:00, Surrey

  • £216.00

    £180 + VAT per delegate. Payment accepted via UK issued credit or debit cards only. Otherwise, please contact us to arrange an invoice.

    Book now for 7th November - Surrey